Key Surya Namaskar techniques for an all-out result

The practise of Surya Namaskar may require perseverance from you at the initial stage. But each time, after doing a few repetitions, you overcome a certain threshold, beyond which all your movements begin to smoothly transition into a sequence. Movement should follow the breath; this is the main key to correct execution.

So, we will consider the process of practice from the outside, as if relying on the experience of performing each asana separately.

Greeting Pose – Pranamasana

There can be no difficulties here since this is the pose with which we begin to perform the bow. The only thing worth paying attention to is the feet tightly joined together, pressed to the mat, the extension goes to the crown of the head, the shoulders are lowered, the tailbone is slightly tucked towards ourselves.

Elongated Back Bend – Hasta Uttanasana

Raise your arms stretching out from the very feet, gently tuck the pelvis towards you. Lean your upper body back, not too much. Following the hands, we stretch our palms, opening the chest.

Elongated downward slope – Pada Hastasana

This transition should be done carefully, relying primarily on your inner feelings. You should not drop sharply, you can pull the back muscles of the thighs. It is best to do it after some intermediate position (ardha uttanasana – half bend forward from a standing position). Having felt the lumbar and popliteal traction, begin to gradually descend even lower, taking your hands to your feet, grab yourself by the lifts of your feet and stretching your stomach and ribs, go deeper stretching your breath. Watch your breathing, do not block or interrupt it. At the initial stage, you can bend your knees, pressing your stomach against the ribs.

Step back with one foot to the position – Ashva Sanchalanasana

Translated as the pose of the rider. You can also make this transition from an emphasis on the arms, transferring the bodyweight forward and throwing out the legs, and land back in Chaturanga Dandasana (Staff posture on four supports). But this will already be a slightly different version of Surya Namaskar.

The upper emphasis on four points is Chaturanga Dandasana

Leaning tightly on the palm of your hand, spread your fingers over the mat, stretch your torso like a board, grabbing the abs with the muscles of the press, tuck the tailbone towards you.

Low emphasis – Ashtanga Namaskara

A pose with an emphasis on 8 points – toes, knees, chest, palms and chin (or forehead). The elbows are pressed at the sides, the pelvis is raised, and the knees are slightly bent.

Face up Dog Pose – Urdha Mukha Svanasana

Exit with force upward on inhalation. Push the top of the head, turn and lower the shoulders down, straining the front muscle bundles, push the chest forward, bringing it beyond the line of support of the arms. The eyes are closed between the eyebrows. Legs can be on the insteps of the feet, soles up, knees hang off the floor. We make the transition to the next position.

Final words

Like individuals, yoga styles have their personalities. Although the basic poses remain the same, how they are done, in what order and where attention is focused while doing them constitute the differences among the many styles. Regardless of your age or fitness level, we can help you find a style that will appeal to you and be most appropriate for your particular body or personality type.

Key Surya Namaskar techniques for an all-out result

The practise of Surya Namaskar may require perseverance from you at the initial stage. But each time, after doing a few repetitions, you overcome a certain threshold, beyond which all your movements begin to smoothly transition into a sequence. Movement should follow the breath; this is the main key to correct execution.

So, we will consider the process of practice from the outside, as if relying on the experience of performing each asana separately.

Greeting Pose – Pranamasana

There can be no difficulties here since this is the pose with which we begin to perform the bow. The only thing worth paying attention to is the feet tightly joined together, pressed to the mat, the extension goes to the crown of the head, the shoulders are lowered, the tailbone is slightly tucked towards ourselves.

Elongated Back Bend – Hasta Uttanasana

Raise your arms stretching out from the very feet, gently tuck the pelvis towards you. Lean your upper body back, not too much. Following the hands, we stretch our palms, opening the chest.

Elongated downward slope – Pada Hastasana

This transition should be done carefully, relying primarily on your inner feelings. You should not drop sharply, you can pull the back muscles of the thighs. It is best to do it after some intermediate position (ardha uttanasana – half bend forward from a standing position). Having felt the lumbar and popliteal traction, begin to gradually descend even lower, taking your hands to your feet, grab yourself by the lifts of your feet and stretching your stomach and ribs, go deeper stretching your breath. Watch your breathing, do not block or interrupt it. At the initial stage, you can bend your knees, pressing your stomach against the ribs.

Step back with one foot to the position – Ashva Sanchalanasana

Translated as the pose of the rider. You can also make this transition from an emphasis on the arms, transferring the bodyweight forward and throwing out the legs, and land back in Chaturanga Dandasana (Staff posture on four supports). But this will already be a slightly different version of Surya Namaskar.

The upper emphasis on four points is Chaturanga Dandasana

Leaning tightly on the palm of your hand, spread your fingers over the mat, stretch your torso like a board, grabbing the abs with the muscles of the press, tuck the tailbone towards you.

Low emphasis – Ashtanga Namaskara

A pose with an emphasis on 8 points – toes, knees, chest, palms and chin (or forehead). The elbows are pressed at the sides, the pelvis is raised, and the knees are slightly bent.

Face up Dog Pose – Urdha Mukha Svanasana

Exit with force upward on inhalation. Push the top of the head, turn and lower the shoulders down, straining the front muscle bundles, push the chest forward, bringing it beyond the line of support of the arms. The eyes are closed between the eyebrows. Legs can be on the insteps of the feet, soles up, knees hang off the floor. We make the transition to the next position.

Final words

Like individuals, yoga styles have their personalities. Although the basic poses remain the same, how they are done, in what order and where attention is focused while doing them constitute the differences among the many styles. Regardless of your age or fitness level, we can help you find a style that will appeal to you and be most appropriate for your particular body or personality type.

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